Sunday, June 7, 2009

Leaving on the "fun ship"

WE'RE OUT OF HERE!!! Doug and I booked a fun, little family cruise for ourselves and the boys! We set sail tomorrow evening! It's a four day jaunt in the Pacific on a Carnival ship. They call them "fun ships". And let me just say...if our ship isn't "fun" now, it will be when I get on it!!! The boys are so, so, so excited. We wanted to do a little something special with them before the baby comes home and this seemed to be just the thing.

We've been playing Jimmy Buffet music and dancing around the house to get in the mood while we pack. I'm actually the only one dancing (Benji too, a little). I tried to get Jacob to form a congo line with Benji and I when I sent them in to brush their teeth, but he wanted nothing to do with it. Figures!

I think we're going to have a blast on the trip!!! And, who knows, maybe we'll have some tentative China dates when we get home!!

Bon Voyage!!!


Kayce said...

You guys are going to have a blast!! Those trips are full of so much fun. Make sure the boys enjoy the Lido deck...all you can eat ice cream and pizza!! Have fun and safe travels.

S.Wise said...

Have a blast you guys! What am I saying? I know you will! :)

Leigh said...

You guys will soooo much fun! What a way to pass the time. Before you know it you will be bording a flight to China to complete your adorable family!

Hope you get lots of sunshine on your cruise...

Unknown said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed to China travel dates! Can't wait for all of us to be on the beach together this weekend. This is the last summer in awhile that you wont have sand all over your towel. Haha! Next year you will have a sandy baby girl on your towel! I love it!

A Yi Norah said...

OK, that was my post not Taylor's. He was the last one logged in on the computer.