Friday, December 31, 2010

We've missed everybody!!!!!

It's me! It's me!!! I really can't believe how badly I've neglected my blog. It's so pathetic. Life has been busy...obviously, but it's no excuse, really! I started working for Doug's flooring company a few months ago, and I haven't been able to see straight since. I promise to be better moving forward. I haven't taken many pictures lately, and therefore haven't had the motivation to post!

Since my last post, Jacob turned 14 (GULP), Kailahni turned 2 (and all that that entails), Doug turned 41 (ha, ha...old fart), Benjamin started 6th grade (middle school here we come), and I...well I started training for my first full marathon, injured my foot, had to stop training (didn't handle that real well), recently started running again and am planning on doing a half marathon in a few weeks. Full marathon on the back burner for now.

This post is short, I know, but it's the best I can do for now. I shot this video on my phone the other day while I was icing my foot on the couch (about the only time I find myself sitting down these days). Anyway, Kailahni is half naked and her hair is a fright, I'm getting over a cold and sound just's not pretty, but it's life! I know you all love us enough to see past all that!

I'll post more soon...I promise! Big hugs to all!