Thursday, February 10, 2011

First Haircut

On Tuesday I took Kailahni to get her first haircut! My girlfriend, Michelle, was kind enough to squeeze her in between clients. It was so sweet to see Kai sitting in the chair like a big girl. She didn't cry (which surprised me), but had a very serious look on her face the entire time.

I got a little teary when I told Michelle how my Pop-Pop had given me, and the rest of my siblings, our first haircuts. He also gave Jacob and Benjamin their first haircuts. During our wait, he told me that I didn't need to worry because his shears were sharpened and ready to go for our little girl. He assured me that he could trim girl hair, just as good as boy. Sadly, he passed away before we were able to bring her home. He was in my thoughts as I stood and watched Kailahni's looks transform right before my very eyes! What is it about getting your kid's hair cut that makes them look a year older in an instant?!

Although her hair is a little shorter than it was, the cut sure makes is look healthier and a bit fuller...and by "a bit", I really mean a bit!!!

Finished front.

Finished back.


Miran + Emily said...

You made me cry! Its amazing how often I think of Pop-Pop. Oh, and Kai looks very stylish with her new do!
Love, Emily

Suz said...

Such a big girl!!! My goodness! I know your Pop-Pop was looking down and a smiling at that sweet face!

S.Wise said...

oh my gosh! how sweet and wonderful that she didn't cry! I think she looks adorable!! I love the cut. I wish Z would let me take her.... maybe....

Kayce said...

Super cute!!

Margaret said...

Kai's haircut looks great, and I was teary-eyed too thinking about Pop-pop. Whenever I give Anthony's hair a trim in the bathtub I think of him-
Love, Margaret

Mardi said...

Kai, you look Fabulous!!

AJ said...

Yeah for Kai! She looks awesome. I hope you kept some hair from her first haircut!

Anonymous said...

I love her new look and her bouncing and behaving hair!

Mardi said...

Miss you Mary! Hope we can catch up tomorrow, however, no pressure, I know life is busy. If not tomorrow, let's make a special time to meet soon! love ya! :)

Sue said...

Hey, Checking in to say hello!!

My crazy crazy life said...

Soooo cute!!! I just showed Sydney and she squealed "awwwwwww, she's so cute!!!!" She is!!! We miss her!