Well, Kailahni is officially ours...AGAIN! Today we appeared before a local family court judge to finalize Kailahni's Arizona adoption. Although the State of Arizona does recognize adoptions that were completed overseas as final, we chose to go through a process that is referred to as "re-adoption". What that does for us, is it allows us to register her adoption with the local family courts. We are now, and forever will be, able to request notarized copies of her Adoption Decree through the Clerk of Courts office. It's nice to have that piece of mind, because the only evidence we have of the authenticity of her adoption is on paper...and most of that is in Chinese. If those documents were ever lost, or destroyed, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to get them reproduced. Knowing that her adoption is now permanently on record with the local courts is very reassuring.
So down to court we all went, to raise our right hands and swear that all the information we had presented to the courts was true to the best of our knowledge and that we will love our little girl forever and always...."no brainer"! Then the judge announced that Doug and and I were forever the parents of Kailhani Xiugang Elizabeth Schneider. It was nice to finally have the boys get to witness some of Kailahni's formal adoption proceedings in person. Sarah, Axl and Vienna also came to show their support which made our day extra special.
The proceeding today was short and very sweet, but I'm glad it's over. We have just one post placement visit left and then we are DONE with adoption related paperwork, appointments, court proceedings, fingerprinting....bla, bla, bla. YIPPEE!!!!
You did it! :) Yea! Your family picture with the judge looks really good! Much better than ours! I'm glad your sister and her kids came to share the day with you, and that the boys got to participate in some form of the adoption process. That's really special.
You are almost done with the paperwork! Serious YAHOO!
What a relief to be almost done. All the kids look so cute in their dressy clothes- Kai and Vienna clearly love those dresses!
Love, Cecilia
Congratulations, again! It must have been nice to have the boys with you so its really a family event. And its great Sarah and her kids were able to come. You may think its nice we live close enough to go to Megan's wedding shower, but you must know how jealous Cecilia, Margaret and I are that you girls all live in the same town and see each other all the time and your kids spend lots of time together.
Love, Emily
Congratulations!!! The pictures are Great! the family picture, absolutely Beautiful and... I'm sorry, but I never laughed so darn hard until I read your comment under the one pants picture... OMG... you are just too funny!!!!
Congratulations again to the whole family.
With love,
Dennis and Lisa Hertzler
Congratulations again Mary, it must feel great to have one more official document making Kailahni yours! And she looks so cute in her dress!
Love, Margaret
Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!! What a relief to finally be at the end of one journey and the start of the best!!!! Congrats!
How did I miss this post! Happy readoption day! You are almost done Wooo whooo!
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